Publications Incorporating Wild Spy Technology
- Dexter, C.E., Appleby, R.G., Scott, J., Edgar, J.P., and Jones, D.N. 2018. Individuals matter: predicting koala road crossing behaviour in south-east Queensland. Australian Mammalogy 40(1):67-75.
- Dexter, C., Blacker, A., Callaghan, J., Scott, J., Cronin, A., Hanger, J., de Villiers, D., Nottidge, B., Appleby, R., Edgar, J., Jones, D., and Chaseling, J. 2017. Moreton Bay Rail Alternative Koala Habitat Offsets – Connectivity Monitoring Program – Final Report. Report prepared for the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Griffith University, Biolink Ecological Consultants, Endeavour Veterinary Ecology, GreenLeaf Ecology, and Wild Spy, Qld.
- Dexter, C., Appleby, R.G., Edgar, J.P., Scott, J., and Jones, D.N. 2016. Using complementary remote detection methods for retrofitted eco-passages: a case study for monitoring individual koalas in south-east Queensland. Wildlife Research 43(5):369-379.
- Sullivan, K., Appleby, R., Dexter, C., and Jones, D. 2013. Vehicle Activated Signage Montioring Trial - Southeast Queensland Koala Retrofit Works Program. Report prepared for the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Applied Road Ecology Group, Environmental Futures Centre, Griffith University, Brisbane, Qld.
Misc Publications by Wild Spy Personnel
- Smith, B. and Appleby, R. (online early). Promoting human-dingo co-existence in Australia: Moving toward more innovative methods of protecting livestock rather than killing dingoes (Canis dingo). Wildlife Research,
- Appleby R., Mackie J., Smith B., Bernede L., and Jones D. (online early) Human–dingo interactions on Fraser Island: an analysis of serious incident reports. Australian Mammalogy,
- Appleby, R., Smith, B., Bernede, L., and Jones, D. 2017. Utilising aversive conditioning to manage the behaviour of K’gari (Fraser Island) dingoes (Canis dingo). Pacific Conservation Biology 23(4):335-358.
- Appleby, R., Smith, B., Mackie, J., Bernede, L., and Jones, D. 2017. Preliminary observations of dingo responses to assumed aversive stimuli. Pacific Conservation Biology 23(3):295-301.
- Appleby, R. 2015. 'Dingo–human conflict: attacks on livestock'. In The Dingo Debate: Origins, Behaviour and Conservation (Eds. B. Smith), pp. 103-122.
- Edgar, J.P., Appleby, R.G., and Jones, D.N. 2007. Efficacy of an ultrasonic device as a deterrent to dingoes (Canis lupus dingo): a preliminary investigation. Journal of Ethology 25(2):209-213.